Would you like to learn how to conduct media buying? Identifying your target market is just the first step to effective advertising and marketing campaigns. If you are just getting started, this article can help you create better campaigns.

Identify Your Target Market

This is always the first step. There is no point starting a campaign without doing intense research into your target market. As yourself these questions:

Who are you trying to reach?

Who is your target market?

What Do They Like/Dislike?

What Is the Best Medium?

Note all of this down in a profile. Once you are finished and have narrowed it down, your profile should reflect the consumer you are trying to reach. Make sure you are including demographics such as age, gender and income. The answers from these questions will help you choose the best venue or digital platform to place your advert.

Research Your Target Market

The research does not end here. Identifying your target market is only step one, market research comes next. During this step you should look further into their needs. Are they social media users? Do they watch TV? Do they still read magazines, if so what ones?

Always walk before you can run with media buying you should understand the consumer behaviour of those that you are targeting, that’s where insights come in handy.  By looking into insights you can see what competitors are doing and where they are going to reach the audience you are trying to reach.

Set Your Objectives

Objectives are important and you will get nowhere without them. Once you have all the information and statistics backing your campaign, you should set clear marketing objectives that you want to achieve with your target market. This will be the foundation of your marketing plan. Objectives may be:

  • Awareness
  • Sales
  • Signups

Create a plan that will fit these objectives and always keep them in mind.


Having a plan behind your campaign will help you be successful. Once you have your target market set, market research and objectives complete, you will be ready to define and create a strategy.

Where will you buy advertising space?

Are there specific outlets you are interested in?

Will your budget support this?

To succeed in target marketing and media buying, it is vital that you are detailed. For those who work in media buying it is the attention to detail which counts. If you are investing in targeted marketing, some amount of time should be spent researching.

By knowing all of the facts and figures you will be able to negotiate better. When setting out your plan make sure that you include an executive summary with your objectives and how you plan to achieve them.

Once you have done this you should include what publications or media outlets have you chosen based on the previous steps. Finally add the information about your budget and how much you will spend each day.