Social distancing is one of the best ways to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Using condoms and practicing monogamy are other ways to protect yourself from these infections as certain disease can spread through skin to skin contact or as a result of having multiple partners. Checking for HPV and chlamydia in a GUM clinic are also good ways to avoid contracting these conditions.

Visiting a GUM clinic and talking to a doctor regularly is important if you lead an active sexual lifestyle as the chance of obtaining disease increases when having sex on a regular basis.

Keep off people you do not live with

There are ways to avoid STDs in a relationship. One way is to limit the number of sexual partners you have. Every new person you get involved with increases your risk of contracting an infection. Select your sex partners wisely and get checked regularly at a GUM clinic. You can also ask new sex partners to get tested before initiating a relationship. Avoid drinking alcohol before sex. Alcohol can trigger risky sexual behaviours and be a gateway to STIs. Taking care of your physical health internally will manifest itself in external health.

There are many different types of STDs and the symptoms vary from one person to another. Some of the most common ones are Chlamydia, gonorrhea, anal sex, vaginal sex, oral sex, and intimate skin-to-skin contact. Some of the more serious ones, like HIV, require more intensive treatment. To prevent the possibility of contracting an STD, it’s best to avoid those people until you have had some treatment.

doctor holding HIV symbol

Use condoms

The most reliable method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) is to avoid having sex with infected people and to maintain a monogamous relationship. However, many STDs are asymptomatic and difficult to recognize. That’s why it is important to use condoms during sex. In addition to condoms, people with sexually transmitted diseases can also be infected by certain parasites and bacteria.

woman holding condom

The most effective method of preventing STDs is the use of condoms. Condoms are used during sexual intercourse by both sexes. Because STDs are transmitted through bodily fluids, they act as a barrier between the infected partner and the other person. Using a condom protects you against an infected partner. You can also use dental dams during oral sex to avoid the spread of STDs.

Test for chlamydia

A routine test for chlamydia is recommended for sexually active young women to avoid complications caused by untreated infection. Males should also be tested for chlamydia if they are concerned about the risk of contracting this infection. Testing is easy and is done by obtaining a swab from the mouth or vagina. Testing for chlamydia may also be done by using a urine test, but women must follow the instructions carefully.

Anyone who engages in sexual activity is susceptible to contracting chlamydia. If you’ve recently met someone and haven’t used barrier contraception, or if you share sex toys, you’re at risk. To avoid this infection, always wash and cover your sex toys. Once infected, chlamydia can be spread through sexual contact and may even lead to repeat infections.

Check for HPV

In order to protect yourself from cervical cancer, you should have regular screening for HPV and Pap smears. The test is usually done at the same time as a pap smear, which tests for abnormal cells that can lead to cervical cancer. The test and pap smear are known as co-testing. The American Cancer Society recommends both tests every five years for women aged 30 to 65 years.

The best way to prevent a sexually transmitted disease is to avoid having sex with people who have been infected with HPV. Using condoms or dental dams is a good way to protect yourself from HPV. Another good way to protect yourself is to get regular Pap and HPV tests. But even if you are healthy, check for HPV as part of your annual screening.