Recycling is one of the simplest climate-friendly acts that you can undertake. It reduces the need for virgin materials and saves you money. One book that discusses the benefits of recycling is Junkyard Planet by Adam Minter. It’s an insider’s look at the global recycling industry.
Despite its benefits, recycling has its detractors. Some critics argue that we should go back to using just four recyclable materials – paper, glass, and plastic. Plastic film and bags, for example, are notorious for overwhelming recycling facilities. Others point to the Jevons paradox, which states that by improving resource efficiency, we also increase our consumption.
Investing In Renewable Energy
The goal for the business should be to reduce carbon emissions per unit of energy produced. This can be achieved by lowering the amount of electricity generated by using renewable energy sources. There are several ways to measure this progress, including measuring the emissions of carbon dioxide per unit of electricity produced. The United Kingdom is a great example of this, with its extensive use of solar and wind energy, and its investments in a robust transmission grid and carbon capture and storage technologies.
Reducing Waste
One of the best ways for a business to reduce its carbon footprint is by reducing its waste. Recycling can save a significant amount of trees, oil, and energy. In addition, it can reduce the amount of waste in landfills. Using second-hand supplies and recycled materials is also a great way to reduce the business’ carbon footprint.
You can also reduce the amount of food that is thrown away. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, one-third of the food we produce is wasted or lost. This waste consumes energy and resources and generates methane, a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide.